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The more we exert ourselves in faith, the greater the benefit we experience. Of course, it's possible to get by in life without practicing Nichiren Buddhism. But sometimes we are confronted by karma over which we seem to have no control, or are buffeted about because of an inner weakness. What a tragic loss it would be if we could never change ourselves, if we could never exclaim confidently at the end of our days what a wonderful life we've led. That is precisely why a guiding philosophy in life is essential.
Daisaku Ikeda Ⓒ"DISCUSSIONS on Youth"
やった分だけ自分が得をするのです。もちろん、信仰をしなくても、生きていくことはできるでしょう。しかし、自分ではどうしようもない宿命もある。生命の弱さに振り回される場合もある。そういう自分を変えて、″ああ私の人生は素晴らしかった″と心から言えるようにならなければ損です。だからこそ、正しい″人生の指針″が絶対に必要なのです。池田大作 Ⓒ青春対話Ⅰ