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TO MY FRIENDS/わが友に贈る June.22 2020


「御みやづかいを法華経とをぼしめせ」変化の社会にこそ新たな価値創造の力を。妙法の賢者と光れ! 御書P1295 
今週のことば Ⓒ聖教新聞 2020年6月22日

Nichiren Daishonin advises,“Regard your service to your lord as the practice of the Lotus Sutra.”(*) Our ever-changing society requires fresh, value-creating power more than ever. Shine as a wise individual of the Mystic Law!  (*)”Reply to a Believer,” WND 1, p. 905
”WORDS OF THE WEEK" Ⓒ June22.2020

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