Your lives are in endowed with this tremendous power of conversation. Do not worry if you aren’t eloquent speakers. Every effort you make to share the ideas of the SGI with others is part of your training for becoming champions of dialogue. I hope you will boldly and freely engaged in such efforts, reaching out to talk with one person after another, thereby promoting greater understanding for our movement. Those who are sincere are certain to win out in the end. Kosen-rufu is the process of demonstrating that through our own actions.
Daisaku Ikeda Ⓒ"Stand up for hope and respect!" chapter 23 p63-64
わが生命には、この偉大なる「対話の力」が具わっている。 うまく話せなくても、心配ない。全部、対話の名手になるための訓練だ。大胆に伸び伸びと人間外交の道を行こう!最後には、誠実な人が必ず勝つ。それを、自ら実証することが、 広宣流布なのだ。
池田大作 Ⓒ『勝利の人間学』第29回