「此の度仏法を心みよ」苦難の時代だからこそ信心根本に進もう!自らが決意した瞬間から人間革命の劇は始まる。 御書P291
わが友に贈る Ⓒ聖教新聞 2020年5月16日
Nichiren Daishonin admonishes,“Test the truth of Buddhism now!” Because we are in a time of great distress, let’s advance based on faith, more than ever. The drama of human revolution begins the moment you make a determination.
(*)”On the Selection of Time,” WND I, 584
“I say to you, my disciples, try practicing as the Lotus Sutra teaches, exerting yourselves without begrudging your lives! Test the truth of Buddhism now!
”TO MY FRIENDS Ⓒwww.sgi-usa.org May.16.2020