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TO MY FRIENDS/わが友に贈る June.8 2020


「煩悩の淤泥の中に真如の仏あり」濁世の試練に挑む友こそ妙法蓮華の当体なり。悩みに負けず凜と咲け! 御書P740 
わが友に贈る Ⓒ聖教新聞 2020年6月8日

Nichiren Daishonin states,”The Buddha of the true aspect of reality resides in the midst of the mud and mire of earthly desires.(*) Our fellow members who are challenging adversities in this “defiled world” are entities of the Mystic Law.Don’t be defeated by difficulties! Stand tall and bloom vibrantly!
(*) The Orally Transmitted Teachings, 91
”TO MY FRIENDS Ⓒ June8.2020

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