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TO MY FRIENDS/わが友に贈る September 17 2020


わが友に贈る Ⓒ聖教新聞 2020年9月17日

Our faith and practice enables us
to surmount every kind of obstacle.
Lets have the conviction that no prayer
will go unanswered(*)
and play out a drama of transforming
our karma!

(*)”If you have faith in this Gohonzon and chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo even for a short while, no prayer will go unanswered, no offense will remain unforgiven, all good fortune will be bestowed, and all righteousness proven .” (Commentary on “The True Object of Worship” by Nichikan Shonin) 
”TO MY FRIENDS Ⓒ September 17, 2020
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