最大に労(ねぎら)い 称(たた)えよう!
わが友に贈る Ⓒ聖教新聞 2020年11月7日
Let's express our deepest empathy
and greatest appreciation to our fellow members for their earnest efforts and
dedicated struggles with the same respect
[we] would a Buddha.”(*)
The humanism of Soka shines brilliantly
in the magnanimous heart that embraces
all people.
(*)”The Fourteen Slanders,” WND 1 p. 757(phrase from Chapter 28 of the Lotus Sutra: You should rise and greethim from afar, showing him the same respect you would a Buddha.”)
TO MY FRIENDS Ⓒwww.sgi-usa.org November7, 2020
最大に労(ねぎら)い 称(たた)えよう!
わが友に贈る Ⓒ聖教新聞 2020年11月7日
Let's express our deepest empathy
and greatest appreciation to our fellow members for their earnest efforts and
dedicated struggles with the same respect
[we] would a Buddha.”(*)
The humanism of Soka shines brilliantly
in the magnanimous heart that embraces
all people.
(*)”The Fourteen Slanders,” WND 1 p. 757(phrase from Chapter 28 of the Lotus Sutra: You should rise and greethim from afar, showing him the same respect you would a Buddha.”)
TO MY FRIENDS Ⓒwww.sgi-usa.org November7, 2020